Friday, December 1, 2006

Challenge Day 2-an eggplant day.

Basically E2L is a plant based diet. We eat lots of veggies, a minimum of 4 fruits, 1 oz of nuts or seeds, 1 oz of avocado, 1 cup of grains, minimum of 1 cup of beans, 1 cup of starchy veggies, 1 Tbl of ground flax. We drink mostly water and avoid, salt and fat. We are allowed 300 mg of added sodium per day which is a very small amount.
I encourage you to read the book, "Eat To Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. He dedicates his life to research and is on the cutting edge of nutritional health. He has already helped me with lowering my high pressure and high cholesterol. My daily headaches are improving. I still have them every day but the intesity has lessened. The longer I am on this diet, I believe the more my health will improve. I have other health issues too, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis/porosis and degenerative disk disease. There are other health issues too and I really believe this diet is not only going to help me to loose weight, but will also help me to become more healthy and live a longer enjoyable life.

The challenge is going strong. I think there are 8 of us that have joined in the fun. I think most of us have gone off plan a little today. But we have a way of recouping what was lost by exercise. For every 30 minutes of exercise we do that particular day is worth $1.00. So it benefits us greatly to exercise each day or at least the days we are off plan. Today I ended up being eggplant which costs $2.00. I ate 1/2 of a white roll - totally not an E2L food. So here was my day.
One banana
Familia soaked in water

Salad with spring greens, iceberg, pinto beans, cucumber, broccoli, califlower, raisins, pine nuts.
Melon, strawberry, kiwi, grapfruit
1/2 of a white roll

I ate at Golden Corral for lunch and did well with my selections of food and feeling great that I was avoiding all the temptations that were calling my name. Normally a buffet spells disaster for me. I guess today I had more willpower and I'm sure the challenge helped me to do well to resist temptation. I really do better if I eat my meals at home.
When I came to the table with my plate of food, there was a roll in a basket just awaiting me. Errr I gave in and I only ate half. I even brought my own salad dressing with me so I wouldn't use their's because it has fat and salt.

Topped some romaine and spinach with Vindaloo Vegetables. Was going to make a stir fry but didn't have time to make it today. I'll probably make it tomorrow instead.

Dessert was another strawberry sorbet with ground flax.

Walked 3 miles, took 1 hour.
Verdict = Eggplant = $2.00

Minus 1 hour exercise = $2.00

Tab = $0.00


Barbee' said...

Hello Lana,
I saw your questions in the Google/Blogger Help Group and came over to see your blog. I think it is very attractive. I read everything here.

I, too, have fibromyalgia so I understand that 'tiredness' and the sleep problem. I admire you and think you are so smart to take control of your food with this nutritious new regimen and the exercise. You are so smart!

Husband and I eat LOTS of vegetables, too.

Vin’s reply seemed a bit terse. If you need any more help with your links list, etc., I will be glad to help. Just email me if you can do email or leave a message in my Guest Book on my website. I will check back later and see what else you have done.

There is an e-mail mailbox on my web site, as well as, the Guest Book. If you leave a message in the Guest Book and don't want it published just tell me and I'll delete it.


Lana said...

Hi Barbee,

Thanks for your kind words. They are such an encouragement.

Thanks for all your help with the Blog. Couldn't have done the links without you. :-)

I feel for you too if you have fibromyalgia. Oh those sleepless nights!

I am happy to hear you eat lots of veggies. Eat To Live is suppose to help with the fibromyalgia to the point where it should disappear. I HOPE!!!

I love your website. Your husband's pictures are beautiful.

Thanks again!