Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hoping to fast soon

In a couple of weeks I will see my doctor and find out if the liver enzymes are still up and if it would be okay to begin the 10 fast. I really can't wait to do this. I have a friend who thinks I'm crazy for doing this. She continues to discourage me with a doom and gloom outlook. She says things like I'd be afraid because you will probably fall and if I were your husband I wouldn't let you do it.

I've tried to get her to read the book because she if vegan but she won't. I just would like her to read it so she understands where I am coming from but she won't read it. Anyway, I don't need that type of discouragement right now so I want to avoid the topic with her.

She also says that if I'd only follow what she recommends I'd probably be cured by now or feeling so much better than I do. She wants me to follow super mega doses of supplements from a book she read. I tried to explain to her that because of the way I eat, I am getting all the nutrients I need for optimal health. She just doesn't get it. But that's okay. Maybe one day she will.
I made a great creamy lentil soup this week. I'll post it hopefully tomorrow if I can sign in to blogger. Sorry I've not been posting. Sometimes I still have trouble with the blogger program and being able to sign in. It is frustrating. I have had some problems today also but perservered and here I am. :-)
Eat to live everyone!

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