Thursday, November 30, 2006


Today I was going to give some background as to how I began my ETL journey but that will have to wait. I am tired again tonight. I guess I need to do this earlier. Maybe I'll begin doing this in the morning. Today we have a challenge going on. Some E2L friends are doing a challenge through the holidays and I am joining in. The picture to the left is a field of "kale." Kale is king of the greens. It is the most nutritious.

Ok here is what I have decided to do. Nicole came up with this and I tweaked mine a little but it basically is close to hers. It is just a fun graph to help us continuing with E2L and enjoy it in the process.

10 - Kale -NOTHING NON E2L- 1T. Flax, 1 starch serving if desired, and take my vitamins and 1 oz of nuts and 1 oz of avocado.
9 - Broccoli - Snacked on E2L food.
8 - Eggplant - Ate something non E2L that was within the 10%.
7 - Lentil - Ate E2L except used oil, sugar, or salt in a recipe.
6 - Blueberry - eating bad non-ETL food for one meal.
5 - Potato - eating bad half the day and then turning it around, or eating well in the morning and then saying "screw it" after lunch
4 - Brown Rice - eating a good breakfast or dinner but then messing up the rest of the day
3 - Cashew - eating badly all day except for two parts of meals i.e. eating a vegetable at dinner and a piece of fruit at breakfast
2 - Cheese - eating badly all day except for one part of a meal
1 - Cookie - no ETL food

We will decide to give the money collected to a charity, that is if any of us go off the wagon. We'll see how it goes and will report on how well we all do.

Kale days cost nothing
Broccoli days cost $1
Eggplant days - $2
Lentil days - $3
Blueberry days - $4
Potato days - $5
Brown rice - $6
Cashew - $7
Cheese - $8
Cookie - $9

Ok, here is what I ate today.

Breakfast - Blended Salad Smoothie - took vitamins

4 kale leaves
1 large handful of spinach
1 heaping Tbl of ground flax seed
1/2 cup soy milk
1/2 cup water
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 frozen banana
.5 dha purity

Vindaloo Vegetables

Huge salad with romaine, tomatoes, cucumber, apple, celery, carrot, avocado
Dessert Strawberry sorbet

Exercise Walked two miles.

Verdict - Kale Day Tab $0.00


Debbie said...

Wow, what an courageous plan, and great incentive to stay on course. I'll be interested to see how you do!

Lana said...

Hi Debbie,
Thanks for posting and for your encouragement. I haven't posted how I'm doing with the challenge recently but hope to tonight.

Hope to hear from you again!