Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Good Day

This morning I had a blended salad made in my vitamix.

4 kale leaves
1 large hand full of fresh spinach
1 cup of frozen strawberries
1 cup of frozen blueberries
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 cup soy milk unsweetened
1/2 cup water
1 heaping teaspoon of ground flax seed
.5 DHA

Salad with romaine lettuce

I didn't make a large enough salad and couldn't make it to supper so I had some nut butter and a banana right before supper.

I made a recipe called Vindaloo Vegetables. It is one of my favorite recipes. It can be found at There is a crockpot version that I used. I love crockpot dishes. Right after supper I had a fresh fruit salad.

Walked 2 miles today. Wish I had done more but I didn't sleep well last night. Hopefully tomorrow I'll walk 3 miles.

The only thing not 100% is that we are to have 1 oz of nuts and I probably ate 2 oz. It is okay for those of us who don't need to loose weight but I still need to loose 9 pounds.

Today's post was going to be my introduction into E2L and why I decided to begin this new way of life, but I will post that when I have more energy. I am tired tonight.

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